If you wish to become involved in a committee you may contact the office at 532-6900 and leave a message.
Poppy & Remembrance Committee | The Annual Poppy Campaign is the most important fundraiser that the Legion holds for two weeks every November. All members are expected to participate in this important campaign. There are a myriad of jobs including canvassers in malls and shopping centres, area captains delivering and picking up poppy trays, and many other helpers who look after many of the tasks. Included in this is a great deal of work that is required in preparation for the Remembrance ceremonies. Veterans and ex-service members are especially helpful as speakers in local schools. |
Membership Committee | Membership is the lifeblood of the Legion. All members are asked to encourage friends and family to join our great organization. Committee members help in processing membership applications, phoning committees, participating in initiation ceremonies and many other tasks. |
Ways & Means Committee | Volunteers on this committee help in the various ways and means of raising money for the Branch. Help is needed planning and organizing various fundraising activities that may include special dinners, Bar B Que’s, flea markets, Meat Draws, special events, etc. |
Entertainment Committee | Members can help the Entertainment chairman by participating in the organizing of entertainment for the Branch. |
Special Events Committee | Closely related to the Entertainment and Ways and Means committees, volunteers on the Special Events committee help plan and organize a variety of special events throughout the year. |
Sports Committee | Participants in this committee help organize and coordinate the various Branch sports activities, setting up tournaments and help the chairperson in making Branch sports a fun and interesting thing for members to participate in. |
Public Relations Committee | The Legion is one of the best kept secrets out there. Volunteers on the Public Relations committee help plan and organize various ways of advertising who we are and what we have to offer. In addition to regular methods of promoting the Legion, volunteers are needed in the community manning our PR booth at various local events. |
Sick & Visiting Committee | We all care about our members and our Veterans. On this committee, volunteers assist by visiting local hospitals and homes to show our fellow comrades we care. |
Building & Grounds Committee | A helping hand is always needed to look after the many small (and large) tasks needed for the upkeep of the Branch. Helpers, not just skilled craftsmen, are always in demand to help our Caretaker in repairs, maintenance and upkeep of our Branch and grounds. |
Honours & Awards Committee | Recognizing members for their contributions to the Legion is very important. Volunteers on this committee work with the chairperson to identify those recipients deserving of recognition. Organizing and planning the annual awards luncheon is a key function. |
Sgt at Arms | The Sergeant at Arms is always looking for those dedicated persons willing to participate in a variety of annual events as a part of the Colour Party. Volunteers will find a great deal of pride and satisfaction from participating. |